Friday, December 4, 2009

More into the knowledge

Remember the saying fore warned is fore armed.

What the stories suggest in the medical history, a strange fact reveling it self that, many a times we are ignorant enough to not to look at the deficiency in the eye. What we get in result after that is either not discussable or a story told in low voice as a failure story.

What i am talking about is day in day out routine malfunction of our medical system to diagnose and pin point and then treat. Rather we do is seek our senses our own knowledge and based on our previous experiences treat the patient. DO have that far sightedness to see where is the failure, nope. Why because we are accustomed to treating like that and the patients are accustomed to be treated like that.

When a case of brain injury or spinal cord injury comes we send them for an MRI and the MRI's being seen by the doctors who have these abilities to understand them they have to go through lot more things too, i.e. the same doctor have to report X-rays, Ultrasounds, Cat scans, and various other things to be reported, what happens here is that the margin of error is bigger then the margin of the successful reporting or we may call it right reporting too.

Its not any disappointment to the people who are working at the radio diagnosis labs but its a burden they are also carrying with them. To make the things easy there is a team of doctors headed by some of the finest doctors who still work for the society.

The plan i am talking about is that if i get an MRI of brain done in India I will send it to the doctor in US to analyze it on the basis that, that doctor has only got maximum exposure to brain MRI's only i.e. we are talking about zero error technique.

Lets see it from another angle too who is there to be treated, the patient right then lets see what are or what can we do to give him the maximum benefit from. A simple technique by which we can avail the facilities of the utmost specialist doctors to help out the treating physician or the surgeons or the neuro-surgeons or the neuro-physicians. to understand better and to treat better by the help of the diagnostic strategy. Its like remodeling the whole picture where till date people get to know things way past then the controllable scenario in 36 hours or less you can get reported by the best avilable specialist in right another part of the world and may be the whole scene of treatment plan change, by which many valuable lifes can be saved.

For further informations contact;
Dr Saurabh Arora
e mail;
Dr Rakesh Thapliyal