Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health Hazards in India!!

India is the second largest populated country next to China only. Modern India has become very crowded with lots of transport and therefore, the environmental pollution level is increasing enormously, causing health problems to all its citizens and visitors alike.

The most affected area of environmental pollution in India are all the big cities with the mushroom growth of industries of various types. The pollution level of India's capital city, i.e., New Delhi is very high as compare to other important cities and therefore, health hazards of netizen as well as visitors of New Delhi is at danger. Visitor to India should ideally carry all their prescribed health medicines along because who knows, if you find that particular medicine here or not?. It is always better to be in the safe side rather than feel sorry later, right? Visitors should use musk while touring Indian cities to keep themselves free from the environmental pollution caused by heavy traffic and industries.

The best way to fight with health hazards in India is to visit government hospitals and ask for free booklets where one can find various ways of keeping oneself fighting fit from health hazards. These booklets are distributed free of cost. Water is a cause of problem in various part of India and therefore visitors should ideally carry their own drinking water rather than fall sick by drinking local water of the region.

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