Tuesday, August 25, 2009

terrorism in india

PINK CITY turned red on May 13 by the terrorist strike, killing more than 70 persons (as per government report) and leaving more than double the number as injured. The terrorist attack on the Pink City is not only an attack on humanity, but once again terrorist groups have proved that they do not have any ideology, except spreading violence and terror and they have no other cause but to harm humanity.

Religions do not give permission of mindless killing of innocent people, and those who are indulging in such activities have nothing to do with any religion. Nothing can be achieved by making humanity to bleed, and those who swear by the name of political goal are nothing but inhuman and should be treated in a very strong manner. No stone should be left unturned to bring these enemies of humanity to book.

Huji, which is a suspected terrorist outfit in the Jaipur attack, drew inspiration from Osama Bin Laden and established with the assistance of Bin Laden’s International Islamic Front (IIF) in 1992. Earlier Harkat-ul-jehad-al-Islami (HujI) and Harkat-ul-

Mujahedeen (HuM) were under the single banner of Harkat-ul-Ansar (HuA). The United States (US) department put HuA under the list of international terrorist organisation as this group kidnapped some European and American tourists from Kashmir in early 1990s. Afterwards, HuA was splinted into two groups, HujI and HuM.

Presently, both are involved in terrorist activities in Kashmir Valley and in Pakistan. In Bangladesh, HuA works as HujI-Bangladesh. The primary objective of HujI is to establish Isalmic Hukumat in Bangladesh (Islamic Rule) and they have a close connection with Taliban. They get assistance from Osama Bin Laden and major part of funding comes to them from Laden’s IIF. According to the available report of Bangladesh CID Police of 1999, IIF has sanctioned some 0.40 million US dollars to HujI for recruitment and training of cadres. The strength of Huji-Bangladesh can be estimated by the fact that it provides largest number of cadre to fight in Afghanistan from outside Afghanistan.

The blasts in Jaipur also reveal many things, which in the past have been considered by our government but never been implemented at a serious level. India is facing the problem of terrorism from last two decades, but still we failed to zero it on. The intelligence gathering in India is not at all satisfactory. It has never come to notice that security agencies have unearthed any mission of terrorists except in our Bolloywood movies. From Parliament to Judiciary, everything in this nation is targetted and we swung into action after strike takes place and then get relax for another to happen. At national level, there is a need of a high-level anti-terrorist squad, which should have its branch in every state. Not making a serious allegation, but intelligence system of our nation requires a proper overhauling.

There is also a need for a trained group/task force for handling the situation, which arises after such blasts and strikes. It must consist of security personnel, doctors, nurses, and they should always be on alert. Life can be saved if we have an expert team, rushing at the site of blast to assist the victims. In the Jaipur blasts, we have seen how lack of blood is standing between life and death of many who are injured. This is a pathetic situation, although many people donate blood, but why things are not in order despite of the fact that India is a nation where at any time such strike can take place? We are well aware of this reality but still we have no emergency plan at national level. This team can make a difference in handling grim situations and government must think over it.

It is also necessary to have a centralised system of information gathering and disbursement. There is a need for one or two toll free phone numbers, which any body can take information from about victims after such strike or in the case of natural calamity. It is far from understanding that why until date government has not thought of such a mechanism for a country like India, which is not only big in geographical term, but has vast population and diversity in the terms of languages as well. It is also necessary that if anybody has any suspicion then he or she can call a toll free number and can share the information with the government. No such method is available. Even if someone finds something suspicious, he chooses to remain quiet, as majority do not want to deal with local ’khaki’ clad. Government must provide an option to those who want to share any information without being harassed. Unfortunately as of now, no such thing exists in our nation.

Fighting with terrorism should not only be the duty of government and role of civilians, and civil society is equally significant. Firstly, strong movement is required against all fundamentalist ideologies. We have seen how Hindu fundamentalists went on rampage during the Gujarat riots that needed to be opposed in a strong way. Secondly, unity in diversity should be encouraged at all possible levels. Still demagogue like Raj Thackerray are openly spitting venom and encouraging violence act against fellow human beings. This is a known reality that many of those who are targetted by Raj’s hooligan cadres are from minority community. These regional chauvinists are the real adversary of ‘one India’. No scope should be given to these hate-preachers in our country. Some reports indicate that HujI got good recruits from post riots in Gujarat.

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